Version Française 

Solar CAM (Solar Camera)


        Shenzhen China (Wifi)




You want to see on daily basis a construction evolution

You want to see if there is waves on your surf beach, or if there is snow on the top of the mountain

You want to look your second house daily

But, there is no power supply, no wifi, so, look what Solarcam can do for you:



  1. What is SOLARCAM ?


    It is a standalone camera, powered by a solar panel.


    It can send in automatic way pictures by emails and to a website.

    It can use Wifi connection


    or GSM network, in 2G or 3G.



  2. How it's work ?


    A radio module with a camera, under Android Os system works standalone way.

    A separate board controls the picture sequence and the sending to email or website.


 3. Sp└cifications:





4. Demo:


    A demo page is available here. Several SolarCam are already active or on tes

5. Examples of applications:






5. Conclusion:

If you are interesting, write here:

More information about how it's work (and some price in case...) here:


 Version Française